The employee card for all extra-ordinary payments
The new way to track, manage and report all non-payroll employee costs and payments. No more reimbursements, invoices or gift cards. That’s Extraordinary.
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Extraordinary savings, ease and experience

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Join these extra-good companies

“We can now offer better benefits to our employees at fraction of the cost of existing programmes and the team absolutely love it”
Kim Hickman, Head of People & Performance
You choose what the card can be spent on
Cut down the costs and increase the choice your employees have on where they spend their budget. You control what amount is available and where it can be spent.
Your employees choose where they spend it
People can choose where, when and how to use their benefits. That means less admin for you and more freedom for your team.
They can spend where they want and keep track of it all from the Extraordinary App.
They can spend where they want and keep track of it all from the Extraordinary App.
Only pay for what is spent and report effortlessly
No more fractional amounts left on gift cards. No more painful reimbursements. No more lack of transparency on utilisation. Only pay for what is spent and track usage with ease.
One card to replace them all
Say goodbye to existing time-consuming, wasteful methods and easily deliver all non-payroll payments through our simple platform. Let us show you how to wrap ‘em all up into a single solution with Extraordinary.
Talk to one of our teamRack off, reimbursements
Expensive and lots of admin
Get lost, gift cards
Low utilisation and breakage...inefficient
Catch-ya, vendors
Lacks clarity and accessibility

Get Extraordinary
The employee card for all extra-ordinary payments
Staff flexibility and autonomy
Pays itself off in its first use
You retain complete control
Replaces gift cards, reimbursements & more