What Insights Can Your Employer Aid Spending Data Show You?

In today’s data-driven world, businesses have access to an array of valuable information that can shape their strategies and decision-making. One such potential resource that businesses are now tapping into thanks to HealthNow’s employer aid platform is health medical spending data, which tracks how individuals spend their allocated employer aid funds on health and medical […]
Is Offering Your Employees Private Health Insurance Causing Them To Miss Out?

In an effort to attract and retain talent, many companies have historically chosen to offer their employees financial contributions towards private health insurance plans. While this benefit may seem appealing at first glance, it can inadvertently lead to missed opportunities for better health outcomes among the workforce for several reasons: 1. Inflexible and Restrictive Coverage […]
Farsightedness At Work: Supporting Your Employees

With the hours spent in front of a screen on the rise among both adults and children, it’s no surprise that many employers are finding that their employees are suffering the consequences, having their eyes growing blurry as they stare at their desktop for the 6th hour in a row, squinting down at documents at […]
Ambulances Being Turned Away: How To Make Urgent Care More Affordable
In early March 2023, six more ambulances were turned away from Auckland Hospital due to the facility having an overcrowded emergency room. While this may seem like a one-off, the last few years has seen continuous reports from hospitals around the country – from repeated overcrowding that in some cases has led to some tragic […]
The Employee Benefits Of Healthcare Self Insurance: Should You Make The Switch?
Self-insurance for healthcare is a growing trend that involves individuals taking on the financial responsibility of their healthcare costs rather than relying on traditional private health insurance. This works by an employer providing an employee with a predetermined amount of money to put towards their healthcare expenses each year (or other period), which would otherwise […]
Employer Aid & Buy Now Pay Later: Are They Beneficial & Sustainable Offerings For Your Clinic?
As a clinic owner or business partner, there’s one strategy that is instrumental when it comes to supporting your clinic’s booking rates, new patient acquisition and overall patient satisfaction: making your clinic as accessible as possible, in the simplest way possible – like employer aid and buy now pay later options. One way that […]
Spotting A Melanoma On The Fingernail Or Toenail
Best known as the brown-red-irregular spots on your skin that can raise alarm bells and put your health at risk, melanoma is a type of skin cancer that can lead to fatal outcomes if it’s not detected and treated early. New Zealanders are particularly at risk, with approximately 4000 new cases diagnosed every year, and […]
Preventing Tech Neck Pain For Your Staff

If your team works regularly on a computer, tablet, mobile device, or performs any actions where they have to regularly and for prolonged periods by tilting their head downwards, they’re at risk of a common workplace problem: tech neck pain. Tech neck, coined “text neck” in adolescents, describes regularly keeping your neck facing forwards and […]
Help Your Staff Manage Arthritis Pain: Boost Productivity, Morale & Retention

Arthritis is a painful, limiting and progressively disabling condition that is estimated to affect almost 700,000 New Zealanders. With many of those affected still being in the workforce, this means that as an employer, the effects of arthritis can lead to absenteeism, presenteeism, productivity and profit loss, impaired team culture – and much more. With […]
Giving Employees What They Want: Control Of Their Health Contributions

Regardless of your employee’s experience, work efforts, loyalty or commitment to their work, life is known for throwing some unexpected curve balls, particularly when it comes to our health – or that of our families. When these situations arise, one way to help reduce the associated stress is to have some financial support that doesn’t […]