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Cost of living crisis: The health impact | Health Now

What’s the mental health impact of the cost of living crisis?


The cost of living crisis has hit the majority of New Zealanders as inflation recently hit a 32-year high. NZ Herald reported that 62% of the population has struggled financially to make ends meet at least once this year. That demonstrates the pinch is affecting most of us. With financial insecurity comes a whole host of other issues. As some people have major fears of losing their homes, some of us feel the need to cut back on other areas of our lives to save some money. That might mean no holidays for the foreseeable future or buying cheaper foods from the supermarket. No matter how minor or major the issues we face, they can all have an impact on our mental health.

We don’t need to tell you the importance of mental health. It affects our emotional and psychological state and can impact how we feel and think. Poor mental health can make it harder to manage everyday tasks, perform well at work and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The impact

Every action has a consequence, and not being able to care for yourself adequately will have an effect. Many people cut down on their energy usage in an attempt to save money or spend less on food which usually means an unhealthy diet. These are two examples that can have a detrimental effect on your physical and mental health. These are areas we cannot afford to cut corners. It’s important to protect our mental health as best we can to ensure we are our best selves.

How can HealthNow help?

We provide a way to give you back control of your health. With financial solutions available, you no longer have to delay your health or neglect it. Instead, you can access the healthcare you need, when you need it.

  • Health Now, Pay Later allows you to pay for products and services over the course of up to 12 weeks, interest free. 
  • Health Savers provides the chance to contribute to your future health needs every week so your funds are ready and waiting when you need them. 

Get in touch with us today to find out more about accessing the financial solutions you need in order to access the healthcare you need. The smart way to pay for healthcare.

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