Building a Healthcare Fund

How and Why You Should Build a Health Fund

As inflation, energy costs and seemingly everything else continue to rise, it leaves us with less money to squirrel away for self-care and emergencies. With less spare income to store away and save, it’s even more important to find a way to put aside money for things like healthcare in unforeseen circumstances. There are a number of reasons why building a health fund is of the utmost importance. We provide the top 5 reasons, with some ways to achieve them in order to allow you to put your health first in times of financial difficulty.

There’s no need to loosen the purse strings with our Health Savers subscription. It’s the simplest way to stay in control of your money and plan for whatever the future may hold. Health Savers is perfect for…

Access Your Healthcare Fund In Times Of Need

In life, we never know what’s around the corner. Unfortunately, it isn’t always good. Health issues can hit at the most inopportune times, it is our responsibility to prepare for them and have the appropriate resources at our disposal. That’s easier said than done, however, with the help of Health Savers it can be made a whole lot more achievable. You can start building a financial safety net today by setting up automated contributions to your personal fund that can be used whenever you need it on whatever you need it for.

Separating Your Finances

By creating a separate pocket of money specifically for healthcare costs, it’s easy to compartmentalise your financial goals. Having organised finances can grant people peace of mind and help them feel more at ease with their financial situation, even if things are tight. 

Controlling Your Contributions

You have the option of how to make contributions to your fund. Set up automated payments to have a consistent stream of money dripping into your Health Savers and/or make one-off contributions at any time to sporadically top up your funds. With our app, it’s so simple to add money when you want. Keep your finances as healthy as your body.

Available To Anyone & Everyone

Health Savers is available to all Kiwis, no matter what age, gender or medical past. We don’t discriminate against any of these factors and allow you to be in complete control of your very own health fund. Keep your much-needed funds exactly where you need them at all times, secured in your Health Wallet.

Get in touch today to find out more and talk to our team about setting up your Health Savers for financial security when it comes to your healthcare.

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